26 de febrero de 2020


1. Complete the sentences with the adjectives: scary – friendly – horrible – cold - exciting
  1. The cheese smells _________________. I don’t like it.
  2. These children look ______________, I want to play with them.
  3. - This summer we’ll go to Disneyland. - That sounds _________________!
  4. Did you hear that noise in the forest? It sounds __________________.
  5. If I don’t wear gloves outside, my hands feel __________________.

2. Complete the sentences. Use these verbs and adjectives:
taste – smell – look – feel – sound               *            soft – interesting – loud – delicious - horrible
  1. This music sounds loud.
  2. This sculpture ____________________________________________
  3. Your socks ____________________________________________
  4. This cake ___________________________________________
  5. My cats ________________________________________________

3. Complete the questions and answers:
  1. What does it smell like? It smells like flowers.
  2. What ____________________________________? It sounds like a storm.
  3. _________________________________________? It looks like a cat.
  4. What does it taste like? It ________________ like chocolate.
  5. What does it feel like? It _____________________ a hard round ball.

4. Read and complete the sentences with your own ideas.
  1. An eagle looks dangerous and scary .
  2. A rabbit looks ___________________.
  3. Rock music sounds ___________________.
  4. This ice cream tastes ___________________.
  5. This material feels ___________________.

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