24 de septiembre de 2017

UNIT 1: Bacteria Kingdom


1. Are bacteria unicellular or multicellular organisms? Why?
Bacteria are ____________ because _____________________________________

2. Where do bacteria live?
Bacteria can live _____________________________________________________

3. How do bacteria reproduce? How is this type of reproduction called?
Bacteria reproduce by _______________________. This is called _________________ reproduction.

4. How can bacteria be helpful and good? Write two examples.  

5. What can harmful bacteria cause?
Harmful bacteria can cause ________________________________

6. Watch this video about bacteria reproduction and complete the information below.
"Bacteria reproduce very simply and rapidly by doubling their contents and splitting in _________ . Just one bacterium dividing every _________ minutes could produce nearly _________ thousand billion billion bacteria in _________ day."

7. Watch this video about the places where bacteria can live. Answer the questions.
a) Name three extreme places on Earth where bacteria can live.

b) What is the difference between washing your hands only with water and washing your hands with water and soap?

c) Is it possible to remove all bacteria from your hands?

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