30 de septiembre de 2017

UNIT 1: Living things and Vital Functions

All living things carry out these vital functions: 
nutrition, interaction and reproduction

All living things obtain nutrients to grow.
Animals can be carnivores, omnivores or herbivores.
Plants produce their own food through photosynthesis.

All living things interact with the environment around them. 
They react to changes (stimuli - response).
For example, some living things communicate, move, etc.

All living things can reproduce and create new organisms similar to them.
Reproduction can be sexual or asexual. 

- Study the information about the vital functions
- Draw an example for each vital function in your notebook.  

1. Classify: 
a rock – a spider – a tree – water – a car - the Moon – mushrooms - a robot

Living things
Non-living things

2. Complete the sentences with the vital functions: REPRODUTION, INTERACTION and NUTRITION.
a) Taking in food to obtain energy is called ___________________ .
b) ___________________ means producing new lives.
c) Responding to changes in the environment is called ___________________ .
d) Producing seeds, eggs or young are examples of sexual ___________________.
e) Running, fighting or communicating are examples of ___________________ .

a)    Humans give birth to living babies. ______________________
b)    A sheep needs grass and water to grow. ______________________
c)    A deer sees a wolf and runs away. ______________________
d)    Fungi feed on dead organisms.  ______________________

4. What are the two types of reproduction? Explain and write an example for each. 

5. How do animals interact with their environment? How do plants interact with their environment? Write examples. 

6. What is the difference between a plastic plant and a real plant? Write three reasons. 

7. Label the life processes.

8. Watch this video to learn more about the VITAL FUNCTIONS.

28 de septiembre de 2017

UNIT 1: Cells

Cells are living things because they carry out the life processes of nutrition, interaction and reproduction. All living things are made up of cells.

Animal and plant cells are different:

Let's watch some human cells under a microscope! 
Can you see the nucleus? 

There are many types of human cells. 

Now let's find out about plant cells. 
What are the green dots inside these cells?

1. Write the parts of the cell.

26 de septiembre de 2017

25 de septiembre de 2017

UNIT 1: Kingdoms


1. Write True or False.  Circle the wrong word and correct the false sentences.
a)  All bacteria produce diseases. ______
b)  Amoebas belong to the Bacteria Kingdom. ______
c)   Bacteria and yeast are unicellular organisms. _______
d)  Algae belong to the Plant Kingdom. ________
e)  Fungi, like mushrooms, mould and yeast, can make their own food. ________
f)    We can use yeast to make yoghurt. __________
g)  Algae and plants use the light from the Sun to produce their own food.  _________
h)  Animals must eat plants or other animals. _________
2. Read and write the kingdom.

a)    Living things in this kingdom can be unicellular or multicellular. These living things can’t make their own food. they take the nutrients they need from the remains of dead plants and animals. It’s the _____________________ kingdom.

b)    Living things in this kingdom are unicellular. They can live on land, in the air, in water and inside other living things. It’s the _____________________ kingdom.
c)     Living things in this kingdom are multicellular. They can’t make their own food, so they get the nutrients by feeding on other living things. It’s the ______________ kingdom.
d)    Living things in this kingdom are multicellular. They make their own food during the process of photosynthesis. It’s the _____________________ kingdom.
e)    Living things in this kingdom are usually unicellular, but some are multicellular. Some of the living things in this kingdom can produce their own food, but others can’t. It’s the _____________________ kingdom.    

24 de septiembre de 2017

UNIT 1: Bacteria Kingdom


1. Are bacteria unicellular or multicellular organisms? Why?
Bacteria are ____________ because _____________________________________

2. Where do bacteria live?
Bacteria can live _____________________________________________________

3. How do bacteria reproduce? How is this type of reproduction called?
Bacteria reproduce by _______________________. This is called _________________ reproduction.

4. How can bacteria be helpful and good? Write two examples.  

5. What can harmful bacteria cause?
Harmful bacteria can cause ________________________________

6. Watch this video about bacteria reproduction and complete the information below.
"Bacteria reproduce very simply and rapidly by doubling their contents and splitting in _________ . Just one bacterium dividing every _________ minutes could produce nearly _________ thousand billion billion bacteria in _________ day."

7. Watch this video about the places where bacteria can live. Answer the questions.
a) Name three extreme places on Earth where bacteria can live.

b) What is the difference between washing your hands only with water and washing your hands with water and soap?

c) Is it possible to remove all bacteria from your hands?

23 de septiembre de 2017

UNIT 1: Protist Kingdom

Let's explore protists!

Watch this video about amoebas. What do amoebas like to eat?

Watch these unicellular algae under the microscope. 
Why do algae have chloroplasts?

1.Name two living things that belong to the protist kingdom.
2.Complete the information:
a) Amoebas are ___________ because they only have _____ cell
The amoeba absorbs its food through the ___________.

b)Algae aren’t plants, they belong to the ___________ kingdom.  
They can be unicellular or ______________. 
Algae can make their own food using the light from the _______. 
This process is called _______________.

22 de septiembre de 2017

UNIT 1: Fungi Kingdom


Watch this video to see some yeast under the microscope.

Let's have a closer look at mould! It looks like a tangle of tiny thin mushrooms!

Is it good to eat the "clean" part of mouldy bread?

Do you want to grow mould at home? Watch this video!

Enjoy this beautiful fungi timelapse!

Did you know that mushrooms are the reproductive organ of fungi? Most of the fungus, the mycelium, is underground. Watch this video to find out!


1. Write three types of fungi, draw and colour them in your notebook.
2. How do fungi obtain their nutrients?
3. What type of fungi is yeast? What is it used for?
4. Where does mould usually grow? 
5. Investigate about these mushrooms. Draw them and circle if they are edible or poisonous
(amanita phalloides)
fly agaric
(amanita muscaria)
penny bun
(boletus edulis)

edible / poisonous
edible / poisonous
edible / poisonous
edible / poisonous

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